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What Is The Cheapest Airport Transfer From İstanbul

airport transfer

Airport Transfer

What Is The Cheapest Airport Transfer From İstanbul? When you arrive in Istanbul from your home country, the first place you will probably see is the airport. There are two active airports in Istanbul. Istanbul New Airport and Sabiha Gökçen Airport are the airports in Istanbul. Istanbul New Airport is one of the few airports in the world and has just been built. Both airports are located on the outskirts of the city. Therefore, airport transfer will be very important for you. Although there is public transportation from both airports to the city center, it is not very convenient and it is very difficult to get to the place where you will be staying, considering the traffic in Istanbul. Therefore, we advise you to be very careful about airport transfer. There are cab ranks at both airports. It may be the first option that comes to mind for airport transfer. But the small size of cabs, the fact that cab drivers are not very successful in guest relations and not enough in terms of comfort put them at a disadvantage. That’s why, generally everyone prefers private airport transfer when they arrive in Istanbul. Private transfer companies, which usually provide service with Mercedes Vito luxury vehicles, are very successful in both comfort and guest relations. In addition, they will take you to your accommodation very quickly. Another advantage is that they can easily transport your luggage thanks to their large vehicles. In addition, if you make a plan for airport transfer before coming to Istanbul, you will be greeted by name at the airport exit and will arrive at the vehicle accompanied by our team. Therefore, you do not need to make any additional arrangements for transportation after your flight. Our team will be waiting for the airport transfer to take you to the hotel in the fastest and safest way. The most important factor you should pay attention to during your stay in Istanbul is undoubtedly time management. From the moment you arrive in the city, if you do not plan your time well, it is possible to have difficulties on your journey. Therefore,airport transfer should be your first priority.

What Is The Cheapest Airport Transfer From İstanbulPrices for airport transfer vary from time to time. Although cab fares may seem cheap to you at first glance, this is actually not the case. Because cabs in Istanbul are not limited to the meter fare. All bridges and some highways in Istanbul are toll roads. Cabs, who do not want to choose these routes for airport transfer, put you in heavy traffic and make you have a very tiring trip. Or direct you to these toll highways and bridges for the airport transfer and add these fees on top of the meter amount. The result is a rather expensive and not very advantageous price. You can avoid this situation by choosing transportation companies for airport transfer. On the other hand, we offer a fixed fee for airport transfers, the quickest way to get to your hotel from the airport or vice versa. The comfort, width and speed of the vehicles used in this method, which is the preferred method of airport transfer, offers you a very pleasant journey. As we have mentioned before, it is very important to plan your time in Istanbul and airport transfer is definitely at the top of this plan.

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Tags: Istanbul Travel Guide, Airport Transfer, BLOG

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